Direct to Film or DTF is a process that transfers prints onto fabric or other substrates using a heat-press mechanism. Unlike the DTG method, which only works on cotton fabrics, the Printer DTF method can work on cotton and poly blends.

The printing industry has experienced rapid growth in recent times, with more and more organizations moving to DTF Printers. The use of Printer Direct to Film or Printer DTF allows you to obtain simplicity, convenience, consistency in performance with a wide range of color.


We recommend using a heat press for best results

  • Prepress garment for 5-10s to remove moisture and wrinkles

  • Press at 300-320°F (for cotton or blends) or 260-270°F (for polyester) for 10-15 seconds

  • Cool completely before peeling. Peel slow and steady. Your design might feel slightly sticky and thick after being peeled, this is normal!

  • Once peeled, re-press for 5-10s to lock in your design. Seal with teflon or parchment paper for different results.